Dizon Medicine urgent care+
provides the following services:
- Basic Hydration
- Immune Boost
- Energy
- Recovery (Hangover)
- RX Iron Infusion
Common URGENT care illnesses
Physical exam Evaluations
Common Lab, point of care testing & Xrays
- Multiple View Xrays of Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis, Neck, Clavicle, Ribs, Face
- Multiple View Xrays of Shoulders, Wrists, Hips, Knees, Elbows, Arms, Forearms, Ankles, Thighs and Legs
- Multiple View Xrays of Hands, Fingers, Feet and Toes
Common Services and Procedures
- IV Fluid Infusions for Dehydration and Hyperglycemia
- Laceration Repairs (Sutures, Staples, Dermabond skin glue, and Steri-strips)
- Minor Surgeries such as (I&D) Incision and Drainage for Boils/Abscesses, Removal of Embedded Foreign Bodies
- Reduction of Minor Fractures and Dislocations and Subsequent splinting (Orthoglass/Fiberglass)
- Injectable Medications for pain
- Aspiration of Minor Hematomas including trephination on nailbeds
- Foley catheter changes
- In-grown toenail extractions
- Wound checks and dressing changes including burns
- Rhino Rocket, Nasal packing, or Forceps as treatment for nosebleeds